Tag Archive for ‘General Conference’
General Conference October 2014. Sunday Morning Session, by Bobby Gilpin
I think the thing that always strikes me very quickly whenever I listen to any general conference talk is this, where is the revelation? Where is ANYTHING that is new. It just does not happen. There are thousands of missionaries around the world telling people how great it is that the LDS church has a… Read More ›

General Conference – October 2014 – Priesthood Session Review – by Jamie Lundy
The initial talk in the Priesthood session was delivered by Quinton L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. He began by warning the priesthood holders (all faithful men in the Church) to avoid rationalizing away the choice of walking a righteous life. In LDS parlance this does not merely mean abiding by the… Read More ›

Two Months To Go!
Today is a special day. As well as being Good-Friday (which is of course much more significant) It is now just two months until I leave for my 4th Mission trip to Utah. From the 18th to the 30th of June I will be leaving jolly old England and coming to Utah in… Read More ›
General Conference April 2014. Sunday Morning Session, by Vince Mccann
President Dieter F. UchtdorfAs with many of these presentations by modern LDS leaders, given in conference, there is much general content here that any Christian would agree with (and even many non-religious people). Uchtdorf reminds his listeners to be thankful and grateful for the blessings we have even in the hard trying times.As is… Read More ›
General Conference April 2014. General Womens Meeting – By Vicky Gilpin
Daughters in the Covenant BY PRESIDENT HENRY B. EYRING First Counselor in the First Presidency I’ve chosen to focus on just one of the talks from the General womens meeting, the other talks were filled with the all usual, encouraging words and sisterly love you would expect, but this final address by President… Read More ›

General Conference April 2014. Sunday Afternoon Session, by Jim Gourlay
President Boyd K. Packer Mr Packer began his message with his quest for what he calls ‘a personal testimony of the gospel’. He is after religious certainty. The question he raised was a good one: how do we know, of all the competing religious claims in this world, which is true? Is… Read More ›
General Conference April 2014 – Saturday Afternoon Session by Stephen Livings
I have chosen in this review to focus on the final talk of the Saturday afternoon session of General Conference. This talk was given by Quentin L. Cook. I will simply be responding to what I consider to be key parts of his talk with brief thoughts and reflections. 1. “Hastening family history and temple… Read More ›

October 2013 General Conference Review, Sunday Morning by John Tancock
This was my first experience of any Mormon ‘meeting’ in decades. I listened to: ‘to my Grandchildren’ by President Henry B Eyring. I found the emphasis that there is only one plan of happiness ‘to follow all the commandments of God’ strangely ‘heavy’ even in as such a warm family friendly talk as this. The talk… Read More ›

General Conference October 2013, Saturday Afternoon session review, by Vince Mccann
The Sustaining of Church Officers, Henry B. Eyring There isn’t much to say regarding this short 3 minute section where voting was being done to sustain church offices other than the observation that I doubt any (or at least very few) would be seen opposing in such an environment. I also couldn’t help being… Read More ›

General Conference, October 2013, Saturday Morning Review
Well its that time of the year again, I think for me general conference has always seemed a bit of a boring prospect. Nothing really doctrinal taught anymore, a load of guys being repeatedly told not to look at pornography and so on. However since a certain admission from a Church Historian about the effects… Read More ›