Tag Archive for ‘God’
Lorenzo Snow Manual review, Chapter 23, The Prophet Joseph Smith by Stephen Livings
The chapter I have been assigned to review is something of a gift really. The title and content of this chapter go to the heart of what most mainstream Christians would say is one of their main bones of contention when addressing the beliefs and claims of Mormonism, namely the LDS church’s emphasis on Joseph… Read More ›
General Conference Review, October 2013 – Sunday Afternoon Session, by Stephen Livings
Firstly, I have to say that I am very jealous of MikeTea getting to write a response to a talk given by Randy D Funk. I would have filled plenty of lines just commenting on what a great name he has! From the Sunday Afternoon Session, I have chosen to focus on a talk given… Read More ›
September 2013 Ensign Review – A Christian Mask, by Stephen Livings
When perusing the titles of this month’s Ensign, I was struck by how many articles appear to deal with themes that are often explored by critics of Mormonism. Here are some titles to illustrate this: The Justice and Mercy of God, Christlike Mercy, His Grace is Sufficient and What does Jesus mean to us today? … Read More ›

Biblical Theology in the Book of Mormon
While it can be said there are many things within Mormonism that cause many problems when compared with the bible, such as God once being a man, men becoming Gods, etc etc its interesting to note that the book of Mormon itself does not have much, if any of these problems, in fact there are… Read More ›