Tag Archive for ‘Jesus’

The Windmills of the Mormon Mind
The mists of time lend one a certain romance, Alan Bennett Its that time of year again. Folk are getting excited about the season, buying and wrapping gifts, some have already got a carol service or two under their belt, along with some mince pies perhaps, and there is a general sense of… Read More ›
Lorenzo Snow Manual review, Chapter 23, The Prophet Joseph Smith by Stephen Livings
The chapter I have been assigned to review is something of a gift really. The title and content of this chapter go to the heart of what most mainstream Christians would say is one of their main bones of contention when addressing the beliefs and claims of Mormonism, namely the LDS church’s emphasis on Joseph… Read More ›
General Conference Review, October 2013 – Sunday Afternoon Session, by Stephen Livings
Firstly, I have to say that I am very jealous of MikeTea getting to write a response to a talk given by Randy D Funk. I would have filled plenty of lines just commenting on what a great name he has! From the Sunday Afternoon Session, I have chosen to focus on a talk given… Read More ›
September 2013 Ensign Review – A Christian Mask, by Stephen Livings
When perusing the titles of this month’s Ensign, I was struck by how many articles appear to deal with themes that are often explored by critics of Mormonism. Here are some titles to illustrate this: The Justice and Mercy of God, Christlike Mercy, His Grace is Sufficient and What does Jesus mean to us today? … Read More ›
Lorenzo Snow–18 Church Leadership and Selfless Service, by Mike Thomas
This month’s chapter is hard to critique and that is no bad thing. There is no spite in what we are doing here, we don’t find fault for the sake of it. The truth is the truth whoever speaks it and a call to selfless service is no bad thing. There is much here to… Read More ›

Choose The Right Jesus
Do you know Jesus? Knowing people is a fascinating part of life, seeing the different aspects, personalities, preferences quirks etc of people is always very interesting. It goes without saying that some people we only get to know to a very limited extent and some we really build relationships and maybe build a life together… Read More ›
Do Mormons Really Have a Relationship With Jesus?
Another significant issue dealt with really well by Shazaloo on Youtube.
Why does Bobby Gilpin reach out to Mormons?
Hey all, some of you may have noticed me linking to Russ Bale’s interview by Suzanne Witt the other day on why he reaches out to Mormons. Yesterday I was also interviewed by Suzanne on why I do this, please see that interview above. I thought this would be helpful as this is a question I… Read More ›
Are Mormons Christians? A Debate in Salt Lake City
Hey all. Just in the last week there has been a debate at the University of Utah in Salt lake City between Martin Tanner, Mormon Apologist and host of the Religion Today Show on KSL Radio in Utah, and Reverend Jason Wallace of Christ Presbyterian Church in Salt Lake City and also host of The Ancient Paths on… Read More ›
Teachings of the Prophet Lorenzo Snow, Chapter 5, The Grand Destiny of the Faithful.
So on we go to Chapter 5 of this years LDS teaching manual. With regards to Lorenzo Snow this is likely to be the most interesting chapter by far. This chapter as the title says is talking about the grand hope of those that are truly faithful to God. In Mormon terms this means those… Read More ›